Corresponding Member
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)

Mitgliedschaft / Membre de / Membership

Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London, Life Member American Philatelic Society, Honorary Life Member American Helvetia Philatelic Society, Verband Schweizerischer Philatelisten-Vereine Veteran, Civil Censorship Study Group, American Air Mail Society, Military Postal History Society, Arizona Philatelic Rangers

Philatelistische Funktionen / Responsabilités philatéliques / Philatelic Duties

- President American Helvetia Philatelic Society

- Director Military Postal History Society

- American Philatelic Society Jury Chairman and Judge, Emeritus

- Invited Judge Basel 1995 and St. Gallen 2000

Fachbereiche / Spécialités / Expertise Domains

- Switzerland World War II Postal History

- World War II Censorship

- Postal History of World War II Red Cross Mail

- Swiss Post International Activities in Italy

Publikationen / Publications


- World War II Mail from Switzerland to Canada in the Context of the Canadian Cottons Correspondence (2000 American Philatelic Congress Book)

- World War II Mail from Switzerland to GB, Canada and USA - A Postal History Handbook (2003)

- The Suspension of United States Mail to Switzerland 1942 to 1944/1945 (2007)

- Swiss Post International Activity in Italy - The Baveno Story (2009)

- Post D-Day Swiss Mail to/from Great Britain and the Americas (2012)


- The Postal History of World War II Mail between New Zealand and Switzerland (2005 with Robin Startup)

- The Postal History of World war II Mail between Canada and Switzerland (2008 with John Tyacke)

Vorträge / Conférences / Presentations

- "Switzerland World War II Postal History" at the Royal Philatelic Society London and the Philatelic Specialist Society Canada, Toronto

- "Swiss Post International Postal History" at the Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library

Erhaltene Auszeichnungen / Distinctions philatéliques / Philatelic Awards

- Chairman 2005 US Swiss Champion Team - Gold Medal

- Literature Prize 2007-2008 of the CEPL (Cercle d'étude philatélique du Léman)

- Frank Campbell Award - Postal History Society of Canada 2008

- American Helvetia Philatelic Society Special Award 2009

- Military Postal History Society Best Writer Award 2009

- Civil Censorship Study Group Best Exhibit by a Member 2011

Schprachkenntnisse / Langues pratiquées / Languages

E, D

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