HALL Richard T.

Corresponding Member
Asheville, NC (USA)

Mitgliedschaft / Membre de / Membership

American Helvetia Philatelic Society (honorary life member), American Philatelic Society (life member), Verband Schweiz. Philatelistenvereine

Philatelistische Funktionen / Responsabilités philatéliques / Philatelic Duties

Secretary of American Helvetia Philatelic Society from 1982 to date

Fachbereiche / Spécialités / Expertise Domains

Switzerland: 1939 Landi including postal stationery and postcards; Pro Juventute postcards and Briefli; Pro Infirmis Postcards

Publikationen / Publications

- Philately of Switzerland: An introductory Handbook (editor and author of several chapters);

- Editor and graphic design / layout of: The Industrielle Kriegswirtschaft Issue of Switzerland 1918-19, by M. Peter and R. Soderberg; Post D-Day Swiss Mail To/From Great-Britain and the Americas, by Ch. LaBlonde; Swiss Post International Ativity in Italy - The Baveno Story, same author;

- ca. 140 articles in TELL (American Helvetia Phil. Society): see the list

Vorträge / Conférences / Presentations


Erhaltene Auszeichnungen / Distinctions philatéliques / Philatelic Awards

- American Helvetia Society Service Award and Philatelic Award;

- Awards for "Philately of Switzerland: An Introductory Handbook": Literaturpreis 2012 of the Stiftung zur Förderung der Philatelie; Large Gold Medal NABA Stans 2012; Vermeil Medal NAPEX 2011; Large Silver Medal PHILA NIPPON 11; Silver Medal APS StampShow 2011; Gold Medal CHICAGOPEX 2010;

- Philatelic Article of Distinction 2011 for the Landi series in TELL; Posted on the American Helvetia Society website: http://stamps.org/Articles-of-Distinction

Schprachkenntnisse / Langues pratiquées / Languages

E, (D), (F)

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